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Become an Advocate

Become an advocate:

With Lyme Disease growing to the fastest Vector-borne disease in the United States, we need YOU to help stop the transmission.  There are many ways to catch Lyme Complex, like blood transfusions, sexually transmitted disease, congenitally mother to fetus, nursing a baby, or simply by a bug bite most don't recall getting.  Email Kristina Bauer to help us advocate for Lyme patients around the globe.  We don’t just work in Texas, but connect people to valuable resources around the world.  If you want to join our team of advocates, we are looking for the following to support our work:


  • Marketing and social media professionals

  • Education and outreach

  • Editing and graphic design

  • Legislative liaison, bi-partison

  • Non profit legal team

  • Grant coordinator

  • Finance and taxes

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